A quiet legend within San Diego, Java Joe’s has a long history here. The original venue opened 26 years ago in Poway, making stops in Hillcrest, Mission Valley, a local bike shop and 4 other locations before coming to rest in Old Town. Keep your eyes peeled for signs or you might miss Java Joe’s tucked unassumingly behind a row of touristy shops. From its simple furnishings, you’d never know that stars like Jewel, Jason Mraz and Steve Poltz got their start here. Coffee shop by day, open-air music venue by night, this spot serves mugs of hot chocolate and mouthwatering pumpkin bread to its 100 or so patrons. You can expect live music Thursday-Saturday night, and an open mic night that is apparently legendary on Sundays.
As the crowd trickled in on Friday night, I scooted to the coffee bar in the back to order some snacks for the show. “Don’t I know you? What’s your name?” asked a gentleman standing by the door. We chatted for a moment after he realized I wasn’t my doppelgänger. “What’s your name?” I asked. I swear that he smiled with a twinkle in his eye and said “Marco.” I shook his hand, smiled, and took my seat. Hours later I would come to realize he actually said “I’m Joe” like THE Joe, THE Java Joe. Like ships in the night.
The night’s star, Billy Galewood, took the stage to tell us that he would be beginning his performance a bit late, as he had to wait for a friend to arrive. Twenty minutes later, this guy dressed in a t-shirt, baseball cap and armed with a bag of avocados meandered onto stage. Avocado guy introduced Billy Galewood, joking about their friendship and the shenanigans they had shared. Oh, and if you like avocados, stop by the back to pick up a bag of “Mraz Family Farm” avocados after the show. Mraz. Like Jason Mraz. You know, the two time Grammy Award winner who is playing The Hollywood Bowl next week. Peddling his avocados to us at Java Joe’s. No big deal.
Once I regained my ability to breathe, we settled in for the show. Billy “Bushwalla” Galewood is hilarious. Going into the show, I admit I didn’t do my homework and I expected an acoustic set. Turns out, this guy tells stories about life, sex and hippie yoga teachers, while beatboxing in his underwear. I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard at a show, or giggled so much the day after in reverie. The night took an interesting turn as Jason Mraz came back on stage and proceeded to critique Billy’s set. Turns out, Billy was trying out new material, and this was his feedback session. The two’s chemistry was great, and they could have bantered back and forth all night long. But like all good things do, the show had to end, leaving all of us all wanting a bit a more music and laughs. I suppose that’s the sign of a good time.

Mad props to Tim and Chad for bumping into Jason Mraz and Billy after the show to shake hands and to thank them for the night. Jenna and I stood in awe, content with the bag of avocados clutched to our chest. It was an absolutely unexpectedly perfect night that will be hard to beat.