I normally start at the San Diego Reader to get my ideas for the week. This week, the list was amazingly long. And as I clicked from venue to venue, Aaron Tveit’s face popped up on my screen. I am pretty terrible at keeping up with pop culture, but every now and then I get glued to a TV series. Recent examples: Narcos, Friday Night Lights (I know, I’m late to the party), and before that—Graceland. It ran for 3 seasons on USA. You probably never watched it. But I did. And I was in love with Mike Warren, played by Aaron Tveit. So when the San Diego Reader told me that he would be playing at House of Blues, it was a no brainer.
So what’s a TV actor doing performing at a live music spot? Well, it turns out he was actually classically trained in musical theater at Ithaca College. He’s been in a number of Broadway shows and has won some pretty hefty awards. Turns out he does more than just act! And díos mío, he was amazing. This guy is the epitome of an amazing performer. A voice like butter, a stage personality that wins you over in a heartbeat, and a look that’s pretty easy on the eyes. Imagine all your favorite broadway hits, mixed with Taylor Swift, 80’s staples, and Radiohead. I know, right? It was a bottle of pure delight that I wish I could revisit every evening.
But I’m supposed to be talking about venues. The House of Blues! So yes, it is a chain. Opened in Boston in 1992, and originally financed by Dan Aykroyd, Aerosmith and James Belushi among others, it operates 11 clubs throughout the US and has since been acquired by Live Nation. The San Diego spot does not disappoint. The line to get in stretched 2 city blocks, but within minutes, we were inside at the bar stocking up on spirits and popcorn shrimp. Whether you come before the show for dinner, or just snack at the bar, the menu will hold you over. The setup is pretty sweet—small enough so that every seat (or place to stand) feels like you are up close and personal with the performers. Thumbs up to House of Blues. They have a formula for excellent live music and they delivered. Can’t wait to get back for more!

After leaving, Nancy and I made a quick stop at Shout House (45 minute wait!) and ducked into Tin Roof to check out that night’s performers. “Wanna go to a speakeasy?” Nancy says.
Enter Prohibition. Or actually, stand in line at an unassuming door where a bouncer in a Fedora explains the rules. Small venue. Craft cocktails. Jazz, funk, blues. After about 10 minutes, we make our way down the stairs and beeline to the bar staffed by men in newsboy caps. 2 fancy pours later, we are nestled on a couch in front of Shelle Blue and her sultry rhythm and blues band. Talk about an oasis in the midst of downtown. We made friends with some chefs from a paella competition (seriously) and squeezed our way onto the dance floor for some good vibes.

Love you SD, and the little surprises you keep putting in my way.
And thanks to Nancy for coming along for the ride!