An introduction

Changes happen, and sometimes you just need to start over in life.

That was my realization about a month ago, when I found myself asking why I wasn’t spending more time doing things that make me happy with people who make me happy.  Seems like a simple concept.

So I decided to start.

I love music, and I love finding new spots and new bands to explore here in San Diego.  For years, I dreamed of touring all the sweet music spots that I could find, and writing about my adventures.  I write to keep me honest and committed to the tour, but also to help others seek out their new favorite venues in San Diego.  There are a ton of live music spots, but how do you know where to go?

Well, here I go.  Diving in, and committing to one venue per week.  Bringing together my love of music, and my love of all the quirky people in my life that will explore with me.  We’re bound to get some good stories out it.  So come along, check back weekly, and see where the wind takes The San Diego Album.