All good stories include some degree of heartbreak, including today’s story of Amy Winehouse and San Diego’s Music Box. The heartbreak behind Amy Winehouse is probably the more obvious story. After winning 5 Grammy Awards in 2008 for her Back to Black album, she passed away suddenly at the age of 27, granting her entry into The elusive 27 Club. The 27 Club is a group of performers who have all passed away at age 27, including Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain and many more. This phenomenon has gathered so much attention that the British Medical Journal actually published a study in 2011 that showed that there was no increased risk of dying at age 27. However, musicians are two to three times more likely to die in their 20s or 30s when compared to the rest of the British population. Alas, Amy Winehouse passed away following a long run with alcohol after releasing just two studio albums.
The heartbreak behind the Music Box is less obvious. Tucked in between a law firm and a hotel on India Street in Little Italy, the Music Box opened in 2015 and is a 3 story concert venue and event space. Long before the Music Box opened its doors however, another music venue inhabited this space—Anthology. Anthology opened in 2007 and was known for fine dining and primarily jazz shows. Over its lifetime, Anthology’s production team was nominated for multiple Emmy’s for the work coming out of the venue. But in 2013, Anthology closed abruptly following the divorce of its owners—enter heartbreak. The venue sat unoccupied until 2015 when it received a makeover and reopened under new owners.

The new owners of the Music Box were surprisingly difficult to uncover—some connected to Prohibition in the Gaslamp, others silent business partners. Regardless, I love the new space that they have created. Clean lines, open space, great acoustics, and a surprisingly up-close experience in a venue that holds 700+. Last night’s show was “The Winehouse Experience,” an Amy Winehouse tribute band out of LA with Mia Karter performing vocals. Mia’s voice is great, and I would love to hear her belt out her own music. Her backup dancers though might have stolen the show with their kitschy but entertaining choreography. I have to admit that I never was an Amy Winehouse fan, but last night’s show still managed to keep us dancing and enjoying the good vibes coming off the stage.

Thanks to Stacy, Sal, Sam and Jeff for their love of Amy Winehouse. And thanks to Colin, Daphne, Ken, Josh and Anna for being convinced to join in. If it weren’t for you guys, I never would have started my 2018 revival of The San Diego Album. Can’t wait for more adventures this year!